Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What constitues a friend?

Gracious, it has been almost 2 weeks since my last update, and that is not OK!

While I don't have much time to write, as it is almost 11:00 pm, I am tired, and my computer is about to die, I wanted to update to tell everyone I am alive and well and please keep checking my blog. I don't want to loose my 2 followers!!!

So, I leave you with this questions, rhetorical if you wish, what constitues a friend?

Someone who stays up to 2:00 in the morning just to celebrate your birthday? Someone who travels 400 miles to be with you?

Someone who encourages you to love and BE LOVED deeper than you ever have before?

Someone who shares their food with you just to spend time with you/let you spend time with them?

Someone who forgives you, even when you don't deserve it?

Someone who sits with you when you are covered in tears and snot?

Someone who tells you the truth, even when it is hard to hear?

Someone who sacrifices comfortable living spaces, just to be near to you?

I don't really know, and I don't really care. All I know,is that I love them.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Day

Two weekeneds in a row I have been able to be surrounded by SNOW! I can't remember the last time that has happened! I have loved it! I have always loved snow, but living in Texas, I just never got to play in it. Yesterday, I was in heaven every time I looked out my window and saw the beautiful snow coming down so hard all day! At work yesterday, there was no work getting done. Everyone went out to the hill next to Gladney and went sledding down it on boxes, lids, trash bags, anything we could find. Even the President of Gladney was out there sledding down the hill. Along with our Legal Council (aka lawyer) who was leading the sledding pack in her FUR coat! I loved it. They ordered pizza for everyone for lunch and then we all went home early. My hours for internship might be a little short this week...sorry Terri.

The area behind pretty.

SLEDDING AT WORK! (I'm on the far right...someone stole my cardboard covered with a trashbag so I got stuck with the trachcan didn't work as well.)

Last one to make it down.

Building the snowman...the lawyer is the one in the fur to the left. :)

This morning when I woke up Paul said that Debi had been wanting to go out and play in the snow all morning, but they didn't want to wake me. So, when the sleepy head finally got up at 8:30, we went out and played in the snow. Snowball fights, snowman building, walks down the was so fun. Here are some picturs from the morning.

Here is the infamous Paul and Debi. I finally got a picture with them. Here they are with our "lawn man" (get it...he is in the lawn...)

Here we all are. :) Post snow ball fight.

Afterwards we came in and made from scratch. I learned how to beat eggs until they are "stiff" and "fold" in something. Yummy!

The cozy fire we had going...I had to share because I love atmosphere...

Hope everyone is staying warm and dry! :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


What does 14 hours in a car, 2 games of Clue, 4 incredible meals (one of which being DONDON, Laura's Japanese step-mother's restaurant), 2 plates of incredible Valentines Day cookies and a Japanese Strawberry Birthday cake, 1 Super Bowl, 1 dead animal in the trash can, 7 games of Killer Uno, 3 nights of going to bed way after midnight, 1 snowball fight, lots of running around in the snow, and lots and lots and lots and lots of laughter get you...


On Mass. Street in Lawrence, Kansas. Next to the trashcan with the dead animal...sick.


HAPPY 25TH BIRTHDAY COURTNEY!!! (Cake made by Ikuko and Laura...Japanese style)

The YUMMY cookies Fox made. I think I ate all of these...hense the grueling 3 mile run today.

Clue game #1, where we found out we were missing the "Conservatory" card the hard way...

Eating at BRIO on the Plaza in Kansas City.

I must admit, I had never seen snow roll before! (Picture taken on Laura's practice soccer fields at Blue Valley Northwest High School...while we were trespassing. Shhh...)


You know, just hanging out with the penguins...or something.

These people bring me so much joy and happiness...I wish it could have never ended! Alas, it had to, but I did learn a few things:

  1. I love my friends.
  2. Fox needs to move back to Texas. And she is also one big muscle.
  3. Courtney and Sam are perfect for each other.
  4. JC makes me think of Jesus when I look at her.
  5. I LOVE SNOW! Texas needs to look like a winter wonderland all winter long.
  6. I could eat those heart cookies all the time...and did this weekend.
  7. I love my friends...had to say it again.
  8. Long car rides are really fun...when people arn't sick.
  9. You can only hear "What'cha say" so many times before never wanting to hear it again.
  10. Taking work on trips like this is just doesn't happen.

Egypt we come...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Beyond excited

Tomorrow I embark on a 8 hour journey. I travel to Lawrence, Kansas. It will be with these people:

Myself, JC, Courtney, Laura Fox (only in real life, not only on a mug), and Sam! I am beyond excited...WAY beyond!!! There will be food at Ikuko's restaurant (Laura's step mom), eating at a fancy-pants restaurant in downtown KC, a Super Bowl Party (where we will be eating snacks, not watching the Super Bowl), SNOW!, and laughter...lots, and lots, and lots of laughter. Please enjoy these pictures, as they are the people I will be staring at all weekend. I know, I am so lucky!

Laura Fox...I know, I konw what you are thinking everyone...and no, that is not William Penn. It's Napoleon.

JC, she will look different in the next picturs...her lovely locks of hair will be down.

The Soon-to-be-Binkley's. They will look like this all, so happy!!!!