Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What constitues a friend?

Gracious, it has been almost 2 weeks since my last update, and that is not OK!

While I don't have much time to write, as it is almost 11:00 pm, I am tired, and my computer is about to die, I wanted to update to tell everyone I am alive and well and please keep checking my blog. I don't want to loose my 2 followers!!!

So, I leave you with this questions, rhetorical if you wish, what constitues a friend?

Someone who stays up to 2:00 in the morning just to celebrate your birthday? Someone who travels 400 miles to be with you?

Someone who encourages you to love and BE LOVED deeper than you ever have before?

Someone who shares their food with you just to spend time with you/let you spend time with them?

Someone who forgives you, even when you don't deserve it?

Someone who sits with you when you are covered in tears and snot?

Someone who tells you the truth, even when it is hard to hear?

Someone who sacrifices comfortable living spaces, just to be near to you?

I don't really know, and I don't really care. All I know,is that I love them.


  1. You mean, 8 followers. Love your blogs.

  2. that was such a sweet blog Sheryl!
    Remember how you are the only one that looks half way decent in that kansas picture?:)

  3. Quang, I'm up to 9 now! (with at least 4 more who are not "followers"!)

    C-Wat, why do you think i posted it? just kidding!

  4. Sheryl!!! I stumbled on your blog, and miss you my friend. Praying for you at your internship!

