Tuesday, February 9, 2010


What does 14 hours in a car, 2 games of Clue, 4 incredible meals (one of which being DONDON, Laura's Japanese step-mother's restaurant), 2 plates of incredible Valentines Day cookies and a Japanese Strawberry Birthday cake, 1 Super Bowl, 1 dead animal in the trash can, 7 games of Killer Uno, 3 nights of going to bed way after midnight, 1 snowball fight, lots of running around in the snow, and lots and lots and lots and lots of laughter get you...


On Mass. Street in Lawrence, Kansas. Next to the trashcan with the dead animal...sick.


HAPPY 25TH BIRTHDAY COURTNEY!!! (Cake made by Ikuko and Laura...Japanese style)

The YUMMY cookies Fox made. I think I ate all of these...hense the grueling 3 mile run today.

Clue game #1, where we found out we were missing the "Conservatory" card the hard way...

Eating at BRIO on the Plaza in Kansas City.

I must admit, I had never seen snow roll before! (Picture taken on Laura's practice soccer fields at Blue Valley Northwest High School...while we were trespassing. Shhh...)


You know, just hanging out with the penguins...or something.

These people bring me so much joy and happiness...I wish it could have never ended! Alas, it had to, but I did learn a few things:

  1. I love my friends.
  2. Fox needs to move back to Texas. And she is also one big muscle.
  3. Courtney and Sam are perfect for each other.
  4. JC makes me think of Jesus when I look at her.
  5. I LOVE SNOW! Texas needs to look like a winter wonderland all winter long.
  6. I could eat those heart cookies all the time...and did this weekend.
  7. I love my friends...had to say it again.
  8. Long car rides are really fun...when people arn't sick.
  9. You can only hear "What'cha say" so many times before never wanting to hear it again.
  10. Taking work on trips like this is useless...it just doesn't happen.

Egypt 2012...here we come...


  1. I loved it Sheryl! and the reminder email was very helpful-thank you!
    Wow, we really had a lot of fun...I wish we were back there right now!
