Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Dinner Conversation

Debi: Why don't you do e-Harmony?

I just stare back at her, blankly. As does Paul.

Debi: It would be great. We can find you some nice guys here in Fort Worth.

Blank stares continue.

Debi: Ok, if you're not dating anyone by your birthday, we'll get you set up on there for you.

Me: Alright. (In somewhat of a sarcastic manner.)

Debi: Ok then. Paul are there any single guys at your work?

Paul: Yeah. There's two. The first is about 6'3, 300 lbs, named Juan Medina, but I think he's a confirmed bachelor.

Me: Eh, too tall.

Paul: Then there's Matthew (I forget his last name.) He's about 5'8, 140 lbs. Attractive guy, works out every day, Christian.

Debi: Can you take a picture of him tomorrow at school for us? And where does he go to church?

Paul: I don't know.

Debi: Can you ask him tomorrow at lunch? I mean we are looking for a's not that far off.

I'll bet he doesn't have a home cooked meal very often...

Or maybe we can just come have lunch with you one day.

Me: Paul, you could forget your lunch tomorrow and I can bring it up to you and I could just happen to run into him.

Paul gets up to leave the table.

Debi: Paul, where are you going?

Paul: I'm going to find a picture of him on the Internet...there's a picture of everyone on there.

Funny thing is, I wasn't serious...they were. Well, at least I'll get e-Harmony paid for me for my birthday.


  1. Yes, I love this too and love having these sorts of conversations with people. Awesome! By the way, I read your blog now that you send me the email updates ... and I like it a lot.

  2. one, wow! I didn't realize that you had a blog, and am excited to read your thoughts! I might go back and read everything ;)

    two, girl, your husband is going to be incredible!!
