Thursday, October 28, 2010


Life lessons from my 26th year of life...all one day of it:

  • Pumpkin Spice Lattes when placed in the microwave for a minute and a half in it's original Starbucks container will explode.
  • 75 years old landlord's with white hair, a 30 year missionary background in Mexico, and a name like "Van Gladden" will fix your screen door when it breaks. He will also break two windows in your garage...
  • Not all What-a-burger's are created equal.
  • Six year old soccer games can be intense. Sweat, blood, and tears.
  • When a one year old's can unlock an iPhone, one can only guess what kind of technology will be around when that one year old has a one year old.
  • Roommates are the best. Especially roommates that you can borrow clothes from. and shoes. and jewelry. and toothpaste. and...
  • Annie Hennie is one of the greatest people I think I will ever know.
  • My brothers look cute in glasses.

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

I am sure there will be much more wisdom to come in the days ahead. :)

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