So, what did I do? Well, obviously, I went outside and made a snowman.

Yes I, and I alone, made a snowman, I guess attempted to make a snowman would be better. The snow was very powdery, making it hard to pack it down. But that 2 and a half foot tall snowman, with a leaf for his nose and berries for his mouth and eyes, was one of my most proud creations.
Of course my grandparents and mom thought I was so cute, I think for my stepdad, aunt, uncle, and cousins, it just affirmed their thoughts of my strange ways...but I don't care, I LOVED making that snowman this morning. It was the hightly of my day. The pure joy of being a child again - not caring what people were thinking, that my hands were freezing, or that I had no carrot for his nose, only that my heart was overwhelmed with joy that God had allowed this to happen to delight my heart for a moment, and I like to think only for that reason...I think he is living for those moments every day, I am just to blind to see them, Lord open my eyes...